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Australian Livestock Exporters

Why Livestock Exports Are Important To Australia

It is a well-known fact that Australia is a proud agricultural exporting nation, with a long history of providing food and fiber to the world. Nowadays, more than half the food products produced are exported overseas, and consumers across the world have confidence in it, knowing it's safe and high in quality.


Australia’s Livestock Exporters, overseas have become increasingly important as a way for Australian food products to get to overseas consumers. Today the export of livestock has grown into a sustainable Australian industry that makes up a significant proportion of Australia's agricultural exports and makes a major contribution to the economy and social fabric of the nation.


Thousands of farming families and their communities are heavily reliant on the Australian livestock exporters for their livelihoods. The industry employs a large number of people across Australia, with most of those living in rural and regional areas.


This is not just made up of Vietnam Friesian cow livestock producers and livestock exporters; it's also made of veterinarians, stock agents, truck drivers, and many more people that are employed by the trade.



It is for this reason that any restriction of Australia's involvement in international Livestock exporters would have a devastating effect on the thousands of people the industry employs.

The livestock exported from Australia also plays a key role in ensuring the food security of the countries we export to across the Middle East and Asia. Australia exports sheep and cattle to the Middle East, and cattle and goats to countries across South East Asia.

By exporting animals overseas, Australian Livestock Exporters and producers fulfill a major need for essential foods in the countries exported to, as they supply livestock exports to nations that can't produce enough livestock to meet the demand of their populations.

Australia also exports livestock to nations that lack the infrastructure and money to solely import frozen food products. Often, Australian food products are a premium higher value product in those markets, selling through Western-style supermarkets and in the foodservice sector. Whereas live exported Australian animals are affordable to more of the population.

Australian livestock exporters and producers are genuinely committed to animal health and welfare. Australian farmers are proud of the quality of the livestock they raise, and delivering these animals in good condition to our export markets in partnership with animal exporters underpins their livelihoods.


Also Read: Facts that you must know before welcoming goats on your farm?

How to identify if cattle is a bull, steer, heifer or a cow?

If you are new to the then you must understand the thin line difference between the dairy cattle. Yes, you are right they further are of a different kind, you might come across bull, steer, heifer or a cow but the question is how to identify them.


Cattle is a broad term and when it comes to identifying a bull also known as a sire. You will see bull as a mature male cow that is used for breeding. To import livestock into Vietnam, you must have a knowledge of different breeds and other cattle, in order to make the best decision.



Taking about a bull, he is a large cattle having large muscular shoulders and other body parts. You can also notice a hump on its shoulders. They weigh around 2,000 pounds after full growth.



While cattle are identified as a cow with large hips and thicker middles. A cow is a female and it looks feminine too as she is having angular body shape, broad chest, and lean-looking shoulders. When it comes to cows, Vietnam Holstein Friesian cattle livestock is very popular.



A steer is a male bovine. They are less aggressive than bulls and not a muscular one. The identification is different from the bull as you don’t find steer shoulder large and muscular. You can also look for testes it the cattle has, then it is a bull and otherwise, it is a steer.



Heifers are young female cattle that have not given birth to calves. Heifers are used for breeding and are bred when they reach maturity, once she gives birth to a calf, she becomes a cow. So, you can look for the Vietnam livestock export industry to buy Heifers.


When it comes to the identification of heifers, you can find the characteristics similar to cow except for maturities such as thick middles and prominent hips.

So, if you want to buy livestock don’t go for horn and other characteristics, just look between the animals back legs as the side view is the best way to determine the gender as bulls have a scrotum, cows have udders, Steers does not have testes and Heifers have teats but no have a visible udder as cows do.


So, get the best livestock export services in Vietnam by having a knowledge of cattle. Buy cattle from Australias Livestock Exporters and get the best quality of dairy livestock.


Also Read: What Is Pasture-Raised? How Are Cattle Grass-Fed In Winter?